Friday, March 20, 2020
Orangutan Rehabilitation essays
Orangutan Rehabilitation essays The Sumatran orangutans live in northern Sumatra, in the Mt. Leuser national Park. A special orangutan rehabilitation center has been established at Bohorok, Bukit Lawang, for orphaned orangutans, where orangutans are taught how to return to the wild again. Today rehabilitations has become very important, because population of orangutans are decreasing. It is difficult to teach them how to survive in the wild, because most of them were brought up by humans, and they did not learn any behaviors they should learn. Rehabilitation is very important because, if they were released to the wild without learning anything, they will die because they do not know how to live in the wild. The Bohorok Rehabilitation Center at Bukit Lawang in the eastern Langkat sector of Gunung Leuser National Park is the center handling orangutans ¡ rehabilitation and relocation work in Sumatra. It was established in 1973 by two Swiss zoologists with funding from by the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) World Wildlife. In 1980, the center was taken over by the Indonesian government. Since then it has received no outside funding. It survives on a portion of the money paid by visitors. Bohorok ¡s staff are responsible for about 35 orangutans who are free to come and go into the forest, and another 8 are in quarantine area. The center closed to receive more orangutans since 1996. Bohorok welcomed and promoted tourism and it became major tourist attraction in the area. However, this has led to problems for rehabilitation. The Sumatran orangutans has recently been placed on the  ¡Critically Endangered ¡ list of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Today th ere are 4000 ~ 6000 left in Sumatra and disappearing at a rate of more than 1000 per year. Orangutans breed more slowly than any other primates, the female producing a baby on average once every 7 ~ 8 years. This makes the population easier to lose and accelerates the decline in numb...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Advanced French Past Tenses and Imperfect
Advanced French Past Tenses and Imperfect The difference between the two main French past tenses, the passà © composà © and the imperfect, is a constant struggle for many French students. In my lesson on passà © composà © vs imperfect, you learned about the fundamental differences between these two tenses. In this more advanced lesson, you will learn about the particularities of certain verbs when used in the past. Usually Imperfect Some French verbs are nearly always used in the imperfect rather than the passà © composà ©: aimer - to like, lovecroire - to believeespà ©rer - to hopeà ªtre - to bepenser - to thinksembler - to seemsentir - to feelvouloir - to want These verbs describe a state of mind or state of being. They are most often in the imperfect because verbs like wanting and being do not usually have a clear indicator of start and finish - either they last for an unspecified amount of time or they are interrupted by some other action.   Jaimais danser quand jà ©tais jeune.   I liked to dance when I was young.   Je croyais en Dieu.   I believed in God.   Jespà ©rais gagner.   I hoped (was hoping) to win.   Jà ©tais heureux lannà ©e passà ©e.   I was happy last year.   Je pensais mon frà ¨re.   I was thinking about my brother.   Il semblait trop parfait.   It seemed too perfect.   Je me sentais malade pendant toute la journà ©e.   I felt sick all day.   Je voulais rentrer aprà ¨s le film.   I wanted to go home after the movie.However, these verbs are used in the passà © composà © wh en there is a clear indication of the beginning or end of the action of the verb, or when it is obvious that this was a simple action that only occurred once.   Je nai pas aimà © le film.    I didnt like the movie.   Je ne tai pas cru quand tu as dit...   I didnt believe you when you said...   Hier, jai espà ©rà © que tu viendrais ; aujourdhui, à §a mest à ©gal.   Yesterday I hoped you would come; today I dont care.   Quand je lai vu, jai à ©tà © surpris.   When I saw him, I was surprised (just at that moment).   Jai pensà © une bonne histoire.   I thought of a good story.   Il a semblà © disparaà ®tre.   He seemed to disappear (all of a sudden).   Jai senti une goutte de pluie.   I felt a drop of rain.   Tout dun coup, jai voulu partir.   All of a sudden, I wanted to leave.Now that you know which verbs are usually in the imperfect, you can learn about verbs that have different meanings depending on whether they are used in the passà © composà ©Ã‚ or imperfect, and verbal constructions that are always in the imperfec t. Meaning Changes There are a few verbs that have different meanings depending on whether they are used in the passà © composà © or imperfect. Note however that these verbs are usually used in the imperfect; the passà © composà © meaning is fairly uncommon.avoir - to have   imperfect - had   Javais de largent. - I had some money   Je navais pas assez de temps. - I didnt have enough time   Javais faim. - I was hungry   passà © composà © - had, got, received   Jai eu un accident. - I had / got into an accident   Jai eu une bonne surprise. - I got a nice surprise   Jai eu faim. - I got hungryconnaà ®tre - to know   imperfect - knew, was familiar with   Je la connaissais bien. - I knew her well   passà © composà © - met   Jai connu Michel hier. - I met Michel (for the first time) yesterdaydevoir - to have to   imperfect - was supposed to (whether I did or not)   Je devais partir midi. - I was supposed to leave at noon   passà © composà © - must have, had to   Jai dà » le perdre. - I must have lost it   Jai dà » partir midi.  - I had to leave at noon (and did)pouvoir - to be able to   imperfect - could, was able to (whether I did or not)   Je pouvais mentir. - I could lie / was capable of lying   passà © composà © - could, was able to, managed to; (negative) couldnt, was unable to   Jai pu mentir. - I was able to lie   Je nai pas pu mentir. - I couldnt / was unable to liesavoir - to know   imperfect - knew   Je savais ladresse. - I knew the address   Je savais nager. - I knew how to swim   passà © composà © - learned, found out   Jai su la solution. - I found out / discovered the solution   Jai su nager. - I learned how to swimvouloir - to want   imperfect - wanted   Je voulais partir. - I wanted to leave   Je voulais plus dargent. - I wanted more moneyÂ Â à ‚ passà © composà © - tried, decided to; (negative) refused   Jai voulu partir. - I tried / decided to leave   Je nai pas voulu partir. - I refused to leave Verbal Constructions Some verbs have particular constructions which, when referring to the past, are always in the imperfect:aller infinitive (near future)   Jallais à ©tudier. - I was going to study.avoir (with age)   Javais 18 ans. - I was 18.à ªtre en train de   Jà ©tais en train dà ©crire une lettre. - I was writing a letter.faire (with weather)   Il faisait beau. - It was nice out.venir de infinitive (recent past)   Je venais darriver. - I had just arrived.
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