Saturday, November 30, 2019
Research Paper Marijuana Legalization free essay sample
Abstract Marijuana is the people’s drug of choice; it’s the most popular drug of all the drugs. Made famous in movies (Cheech and Chong), hit an all-time boom in the 60’s when smoke to rebel against law enforcement. It is popular even though it is illegal in the United States; I explain in this paper why we should take advantage of its popularity and help our struggling economy. How we can use the way Amsterdam regulates its recreational marijuana, and implement it in the United States. Violence will drop dramatically especially in the towns close to the Mexican border. These are more than enough reasons as to why we should legalize marijuana, there is nothing but benefits. Jose Silva Brittney Carman English 102-06 Research Paper November 8, 2011 Marijuana or also known as Cannabis is a green, brown, or gray mixture of dried, shredded leaves, stems, seeds, and flowers of Cannabis sativa. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper Marijuana Legalization or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page (Yacoubian, G. S. (2007), pg 18) This drug contains a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol or also knows as THC. The mind reacts to THC, it alters the mind. All forms of marijuana have this affect on the user. Overall the drug contains over 400 chemicals some of which are carcinogenic. Though marijuana is widely popular in the states, marijuana didn’t originate in the states. â€Å"The Cannabis (marijuana) plant is native to Central Asia, possibly on the Himalayas or the Altai Mountains it is said that around 2000 B. C. , the Egyptians used cannabis to treat sore eyes. †(Webley, K. (2010 pg. 22) Believe it or not, the United States at one point even encouraged the growth of Cannabis, was grown as a source of fiber. Something interesting is that the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper, material from the Cannabis plant aka Marijuana plant. The Cannabis plant was such a popular crop that in 1890 it was the major cash crop in the southern state, yes even above cotton. Such endorsements slowed and eventually became nonexistent after 1937, when the Marihuana Tax Act effectively banned the drug in the U. S. (Webly, K. (2010 pg. 22) After many years of prohibition marijuana was legalized in 1996. Not legalized for recreational use but for medical use in the State of California. Used to treat such diseases as cancer, AIDS, chronic pain etc. This caught on in the states and by January of 2010 â€Å"New Jersey became the 14th state to legalize the drug†(Webly, K. 2010 pg. 22) Marijuana hit an all time boom in recreational use during the 1960’s when college students decided to smoke marijuana as a way of rebelling against law enforcement. From then on it hasn’t stopped since. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug, beating out drugs such as Cocaine, Meth, Heroin, etc. Anyone from teens to adults use the d rug recreationally to get a â€Å"high†. A large number of people ask to legalize recreational use of marijuana, before you think that this is a ludicrous idea wait and hear me out. If we were to legalize marijuana how much money would the United States earn in taxes? How much would we save as a country not having to pay taxes on inmates who are in jail for possession of marijuana, a non violent offense? How many lives would be saved if we legalize it and stop the drug wars that occur on the borders? Thinking about it I would agree with legalizing marijuana for recreational use, let me further explain. The prohibition of anything is going to lead to violence because there is always going to be dealers fighting for the power of markets against dealers. Perfect example is at the borders where the drug wars are currently going on. Yes the majority of the violence is occurring on the Mexican side of the border but slowly it is coming into the United States. In late October 2011, police officers in Port Isabel pulled over a vehicle during a routine traffic stop. To the officers’ surprise, one of the vehicle’s occupants was Rafael Cardenas Vela, the nephew of Osiel Cardenas Guillen, the jailed uber-drug lord who headed the infamous and brutal Gulf Cartel. (Longmire, S. (2011, November 8) They found an illegal immigrant in the United States not only was he illegal but was a part of a huge drug business apart of the â€Å"Gulf Cartel†known for their brutality. This is only one violent person that lives among us, just guess how many more live among us. Deaths to United State citizens have occurred during this terrible drug war. According to a MSNBC article (S. O. (2010, April 22) the number of United States residents has increased from the year 2007-2010. In 2007 35 U. S residents died, in 2009 79 died, and in 2010 106 residents died. This isn’t counting the people that have gone missing; the number of deaths can easily be higher. The problem with this is the majority of the people that being killed are innocent people that just happen to find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. A perfect example of this is when an â€Å"American missionary Nancy Davis and her husband, Sam, were driving their 2008 Chevrolet pickup on a highway near San Fernando, about 70 miles south of the Mexican border city of Reynosa when killers opened fire on Jan. 26, hitting the 59-year-old woman in the head. Mexican and United State authorities said the gunmen were likely cartel thugs bent on stealing the couple’s truck. †(S. O. (2010, April 22) All this is occurring because drug cartels in Mexico are trying to flex their muscles to the other drug cartels and show how powerful and reckless they are. Killing people for no apparent reason, chopping off heads to show off how strong they are, I find this unbelievable. Legalizing marijuana would dramatically change what is currently happening. It would eliminate the drug trade between Mexican drug cartels and the United States, marijuana would be legal to obtain.. Dealers would no longer feel the need to flex their muscles and show other dealers how strong they are, innocent lives would be saved, and violent immigrants won’t feel the need to live in our neighborhoods. Not only will legalization of marijuana make it much safer for the American people but would help our struggling economy. Everyone knows this great country of ours is in a huge deficit. â€Å"Mr. Obama’s budget projects that 2011 will see the biggest one-year debt jump in history, or nearly $2 trillion, to reach $15. 476 trillion by Sept. 30, the end of the fiscal year. †(Dinan, S. (2011, February 14) None of this is looking like it’s going to go away anytime soon, the deficit is only going to get worsse with time. Think about it, what is in high demand and would be as popular as Facebook. Marijuana is what comes to mind when I think of the deficit we face. The high demand for marijuana is unbelievable; in 2009 16. million Americans have used marijuana. That is a lot of people using marijuana illegally that the United States is not charging taxes on, which means they are not earning money. When I speak about money I don’t mean pocket change, no I mean billions of dollars. We can learn something from Canada, â€Å"Production cost of (government-sponsored) marijuana is roughl y 33? a gram†(Easton, S. (2009, March 26) Assuming the cost of distribution and retailing marijuana is the same as cigarettes the U. S could make from anywhere to $40 billion to $100 billion. Not only will we make money by selling legal marijuana but also save money. You are probably thinking, â€Å"How in the world are we going to save money? †All of the people either held in prison, probation, or parole for use of marijuana have the government pay taxes for holding them in cells or having to supervise them. Imagine the millions of people that would be out of legal trouble, and the extra money the government would have in handy for whatever is needed in this country. When I say marijuana charges I mean possession charges, not attempt to distribute charges. â€Å"Legalizing drugs would save roughly $41. 3 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition. †(Lucente Jr. , T. J. 2010, October 31) $41. 3 billion saved from just simply legalizing marijuana, sounds like a good idea to me. This is just one year, saving $41. 3 billion a year for every year from now on that sounds like a good plan if you ask me. Adding the money earned from taxes and the money saved would total up to at least $81. 3 billion. Marijua na arrest from 1965-2007 The fourth amendment states that we have the right to privacy. This same amendment helped the case of Roe v. Wade, you’re probably wondering what case it is that I speak of. Let me explain, this is case that was taken to the Supreme Court to fight whether abortion should be legal. After all the hearings the courts came to a conclusion that abortion should be legal because the fourth amendment protects it, specifically the right to privacy. Abortion is now legal but marijuana remains illegal? I don’t seem to understand why, killing an innocent fetus is ok but smoking marijuana isn’t? We have the right to privacy, if people decide they want to smoke marijuana I believe they should, I believe this would fall under right to privacy. I find it unbelievable that abortion is legal (which it harms a fetus, another being) but marijuana is still illegal and does harm to others. Marijuana does have its affects just like alcohol, and cigarettes. Why it is that marijuana is the only illegal one of the three? I have no clue why and don’t understand; cigarettes affect your lung, marijuana is just like cigarettes in which both contain chemicals. Alcohol hurts the liver when being used they affect the body so why are they legal, marijuana should be in the same boat as both cigarettes and alcohol and become legal. I’m sure many questions are arising such as, â€Å"How we will possibly be able to regulate the use of marijuana,†well people trust me it isn’t impossible to regulate it. Amsterdam has made it legal to smoke in â€Å"coffee shops†where a menu of different marijuana is given to them. They have been doing it this way for many years with no problem whatsoever, why can’t the United States do this, we can, and we should. Amsterdam sees the use of marijuana as a health matter, just like cigarettes and alcohol. The reasons for legalizing marijuana are to reduce harm to the users, by limiting how much they are allowed to buy and smoke, to try and slow down the disturbance of public order and safety to the community. Last but not least is to stop trafficking and to combat the production of the drugs. Not to forget the money their government wins from taxing the marijuana. They decide to divide drugs into two different groups the â€Å"soft drugs†and â€Å"hard drugs†groups. The hard drugs are drugs that are considered very dangerous such as â€Å"cocaine, LSD, morphine, heroin†(Skelton, P. (2011, November 15) those drugs are forbidden in the Netherlands. The â€Å"soft drugs†consist of â€Å"cannabis in any form (marijuana, hashish, hash oil)†(Skelton, P. (2011, November 15) In Amsterdam you are not allowed to buy as much weed as you like, you are given a limit of 5 grams. Not only that but it is only sold to adults no minors whatsoever. The weed can only be smoked in â€Å"coffee shops†where no minors are allowed, and to avoid minors from trying to obtain marijuana they decide not to advertise the sale of marijuana. These regulations have worked for Amsterdam with no problems; of course there is the occasional person who decides to drive under the influence of marijuana, but that’s the equivalent of someone driving drunk. It’s going to happen, but the United States will do everything in their power to try and stop that from happening by creating regulations that will prevent this from happening. Marijuana I believe is not as bad as people make it to be, cigarettes are just as bad but yet they are legal. Considering all of the benefits of marijuana especially the financial benefits, the United States should legalize marijuana for recreational use, we should put regulations on it just like Amsterdam does and the system would work perfectly. If we put effort into legalizing marijuana and using Amsterdam’s blueprint we will make billions of dollars that will help our struggling economy, protect the 4th amendment by giving us our right to privacy, and become a country that will lead the push for other countries to legalize marijuana. Only positives can come from legalization of marijuana. References Dinan, S. (2011, February 14). Federal deficit on track for a record this fiscal year Washington Times. Washington Times Politics, Breaking News, US and World News. Retrieved November 15, 2011, from http://www. washingtontimes. com/news/2011/feb/14/debt-now-equals-total-us-economy/
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Of Mice and Men and Macbeth Conflict Essay Example
Of Mice and Men and Macbeth Conflict Essay Example Of Mice and Men and Macbeth Conflict Paper Of Mice and Men and Macbeth Conflict Paper Essay Topic: Of Mice and Men Texts that deal with the theme of conflict make us think. Conflict is the centre of all dramatic development in the three texts I will be discussing. These are Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, and O Brother Where Art Thou’, directed by Joel Coen. There are many forms of conflict expressed in these texts. These include both emotional and physical conflict. Conflict has been brought about in many ways throughout these texts. Most of which has been fuelled by inner discord. However a person’s inner conflict can often lead to violent activity. This demonstrates that both forms of conflict are indeed affiliated. OMAM tells the story of a sharp witted man and his simple friend who find work in California’s Salinas Valley. They are driven by a shared dream, that one day they will own their own property and â€Å"live off the fatta the lan†. George serves as Lennie’s protector, as Lennie is mentally retarded. â€Å"He’s awright, just aint bright†Lennie’s fetish for soft things and his ignorant behaviour, often lands them both in trouble. Many of the characters in OMAM admit to suffering from profound loneliness and lost dreams. This is perhaps most effectively delivered through George. At the end of the novel Lennie accidentally kills the wife of the boss son while trying to comfort her. Although Lennie is afraid George will be angry and flees. The ranch hands rightly guess the culprit and they set out to find and kill him. As George realizes what Lennie has done, the painful mission that he must undertake becomes clear to him, a mission that will cause him great grief and inner conflict. George knows that the murder of this girl could not be left unaddressed. Even if turning Lennie over to the police was a realistic option, being separated from George would have destabilized Lennie to a point that could have resulted in even greater tragedy. This internal conflict ripped George up inside, debating the right thing to do. It was more humane to end his life quickly, and George knew that if he truly loved Lennie, he would see to it that his death would be quick and merciful, in contrast to the fate that he would receive at the hands of the ranch hands. The end of the novel (also Lennie death) is set in the same place which it began. The repetition of the setting binds the story together. Lennie associates this place with safety. â€Å"Hide in the bush till i come for you. †The major irony of the novel is that George kills Lennie because he loves him. The irony is furthered as the pistol George steals to kill Lennie was earlier used to kill an old dog, in order to save it from suffering and misery. When the dog is killed, the ranch hands show compassion for the owner’s loss, but when George experiences a similar plight, and perhaps a worse one, the ranch hands are unable to comprehend his loss and feel no sympathy. However a greatly respected ranch hand named Slim is the only one who notices the irony of the shooting and comforts George by telling him â€Å"you hadda I swear you hadda†. The old dog and Lennie are also symbols that represent the fate of anyone that has outlived his or her purpose. Even though it causes him much inner turmoil, George kills Lennie to save him from a society that misunderstands him. Georges dream is an important symbol in the book, as it represents the possibility of freedom and protection from the cruelties and expectations of the world. After Lennies death, George is lost and lonely, heartbroken at the loss of his friend. By killing Lennie, George not only sacrifices his only form of companionship but also his state of mind. George also knows that the death of Lennie marks the end of a beautiful dream he had been nurturing and is forced to accept that such untarnished happiness is not to be found in this world. George’s inner conflict is rivalled only by Lennie’s. Due to his mental condition Lennie develops a complete dependence of George. Lennie experiences frequent internal conflict as he struggles with his retardation. Lennie is forever trying to prove to George that he can behave and that he won’t do bad things. After he kills the woman Lennie is fearful that George will abandon him. This is also the reason he accidentally kills the woman, because he is afraid that George will hear her screams. In this scene Steinbeck presents an excellent example of inner conflict leading to physical conflict. When the woman begins to scream in fear, Lennie begins to encounter internal conflict, because he is afraid that George will overhear her and be angry with him. Lennie wants to ignore this at all costs, because he so desperately wants the respect of George. Despite Lennie’s tender and innocent nature Lennie begins to get frustrated and panics. He attempts to soothe her into stopping with words, â€Å"oh please don’t do that, George’ll be mad â€Å"but his efforts are futile and he resorts to stopping her the only way he knows how. Lennie underestimates his own strength as he shakes her and breaks her neck. After Lennie’s struggle is over, Steinbeck captures the stillness and suddenness of her death with the words â€Å"and then she was still or Lennie had broken her neck. †Lennie has always been fearful of this woman because he knew she was a temptation. After their first meeting he tells George that â€Å"don’t like this place – I wunna get outa here. Lennie foresees his downfall. After the woman’s death Steinbeck stretches out the moment. †a moment – remained for much more than a moment. †This technique effectively expresses quite and still aftermath of the conflict. As a result of her death, Steinbeck speaks of her now innocent appearance, in contrast to the promiscuous character before her death. Steinbeck seems to subtly imply that the only way for a woman to overcome that nature and restore her lost innocence is through death. Despite Lennie’s unforgivable act, Lennie remains the naive and innocent character he has always been, however this event leaves Lennie in a state of upmost confusion and fear and signifies the height of Lennie’s mental frustration and conflict. Macbeth is set in Scotland in the eleventh century. It tells the story of a brave nobleman named Macbeth, encouraged by the prophecies of the supernatural and a persuasive wife, murders the king of Scotland to seize the throne. After becoming king, Macbeth becomes a tyrant and begins to butcher all potential threats to his throne. Macbeth is eventually brought to justice for his crimes by a nobleman named Macduff, and the throne is restored to Malcolm, the son of the original king. The most extreme form of conflict in the text revolves around Macbeth himself. Macbeth experiences much inner conflict during the course of the play. At the beginning of the play, the witches prophesised that Macbeth would be king. Macbeth told his wife, Lady Macbeth of these prophecies and her own ambition was born. As a once loyal soldier â€Å"for brave Macbeth – well he deserves that name†Macbeth is torn between his loyalty to Duncan and his ambition to fulfil the prophecies. His ambition spurs him to strive for power and on the other his conscious resists the urge. Pressured by Lady Macbeth, Macbeth agrees to proceed in the murdering of the King. This is also personal and moral conflict because Macbeth knows that the king is his cousin and that it would be wrong to cause him harm. Soon after, Macbeth regrets his promise to his wife and tells her that â€Å"We shall proceed no longer in this business. †She becomes angry and threatens his manhood â€Å"are you a man? †Macbeth admits defeat and continues with the deed. Ultimately he decides to abandon his morals so that his wife may not perceive him as a coward. Shakespeare makes good use of light and dark imagery to express the wrong and right desires of Macbeth. It is also implied that darkness is necessary, in order for the murdering of Duncan to take place. This also shows that Macbeth needs the help of evil or dark forces to be immoral enough to commit these crimes that he wouldn’t be able to if heaven were to â€Å"peep through the blanket of the dark. †The social expectations of being a man induce Macbeth to commit these crimes. These are of course enforced by his wife. She suspects this will be his weak spot as she too is undoubtedly aware of the cultural expectations of the time. After Macbeth does the deed, his guilt consumes him for some time, but he manages to beat it eventually. He is left a corrupt and deranged man. Upon hearing further prophecies from the witches Macbeth comes to believe that he is invincible and confirms the reader’s suspicions that Macbeth has indeed been driven into madness, when he states that â€Å"blood will have blood†. He is not afraid to kill again. Lady Macbeth plays a significant role in the birth of Macbeth’s ambition and therefore his downfall. Ironically this is also her own downfall, as her feelings of guilt from doing this consume her. This guilt causes her much inner conflict. Lady Macbeth used her power over Macbeth to influence and spark his ambition. Although Lady Macbeth claims to initially doubt Macbeth, she is the one who feels the need to call upon spirits to aid her to do these deeds. â€Å"Come you spirits – Unsex me here – stop up the access and passage to remorse. †She is aware of her weakness, and despite her plea for assistance, her conflict gets the better of her â€Å"Out damned spot! Out I say! †says Lady Macbeth as she instinctively tries to wash the blood free from her hands. Lady Macbeth is eventually driven into complete madness â€Å"her eyes are open – but their sense is shut†She can never get the blood of King Duncan of her hands. Shakespeare uses hyperbole to emphasise lady Macbeths suffering. â€Å"All the perfumes of Arabia could not sweeten this little hand. †Shakespeare places great influence on her guilt and madness by speaking of it as if it is an incurable disease. There is also another reference to light and dark in this scene. Lady Macbeth previously called upon darkness to surround her. However, now that Lady Macbeth feels remorse she feels the need to stay in the light for fear that the dark might consume her with her guilt. This scene makes the audience feel pity towards Lady Macbeth, as she has admitted herself to remorse but it is too late. Lady Macbeth’s power over Macbeth is very different to the power that George, from Of Mice and Men, has over Lennie. Lady Macbeth uses her power in a negative way, to control Macbeth for her own bidding, whereas George selflessly uses his power over Lennie to protect and guide him from misfortune. Lady Macbeth is introduced as strong and ambitious, but by the end of the play she is reduced to suicide, due to her feverish guilt.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Basic Memory Management Without Swapping Computer Science Essay
Basic Memory Management Without Swapping Computer Science Essay Program execution is the main propose of computer system .During execution programs are together with the data they access with in main memory. To keep track of what memory is in use and what memory is free is called memory management. Allocate the free memory to the process when any process needed the free space and de-allocates it when they don’t need the free space. Ideally, programmers want memory that is Fast Large Nonvolatile There are two classes of memory management systems, those that transfer processes to and from disk during execution are the swapping or paging .And those that don’t are the simple and might find this scheme in embedded device, phone, smart card, or PDA. Basic Memory Management without Swapping or Paging There are three simple ways of organizing memory, operating system with one user process. How to divide memory Two approaches are one divide the memory into fix equal partitions and the other is partition size can be loaded into any other par tition. Equal-sized partitions Any unused space in the partition is wasted called internal fragmentation. And process which is larger than partition cannot be run. Fixed size partitions In fixed partition processes are in queues that are fits in it, but some partitions may be idle because jobs are available in small partitions and only the large partition free. Memory management in Operating systems Linux Memory Management: There are two main component of Linux memory management. The first one component is to assign and freeing the space, after using the physical memory. The second component deals with virtual memory. Physical memory management Linux divide its physical memory into three different parts because it has different hardware characteristics. These three parts are the following: Zone DMA Zone NORMAL Zone HIGHMEM. Page allocator is the primary physical memory manger in Linux. For every zone separate allocator is exist which allocate and freeing the space for the zone. The allocator uses the Buddy system to keep all records about physical pages which is available at the time in memory. Memory splitting into Buddy system Virtual memory management There are many types of virtual memory regions in Linux. Backing store for the region is the first property of this memory. Which describe the pages region that from where it is to come. Mostly region is back by nothing which represents the demand-zero memory. Windows Memory Management: The window provide many ways to the application for using memory like virtual memory, heaps, memory mapped files and thread local storage. Virtual memory VirtualAlloc() is the method which is used to allocate the virtual memory and virtualFree() method is use to de-allocate the space into virtual memory. The virtual address in which the memory is allocated through these functions applications are enable. They operate on multiple pages which are in memory and the starting address must be greater than 0*10000. Heaps Applications used the memory space also through heap. In this environment address space is already reserve. When API process is start (also called initialized) it creates the 1-MB default heap.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marketign Strategies Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Marketign Strategies - Research Paper Example According to Neyman (n.d.), there are three fundamental strategies that can be used to maximize profits in a business: 1. Maximize every order’s dollar size 2. Maximize the frequency of sales 3. Maximize the volume of customers. Some of the useful ways in which each of these three marketing strategies can be implemented are discussed below: Businessmen should look out for ways in which they can increase their sales, without having to compromise upon profitability. One way to achieve this is by making use of the â€Å"buy one get one free†strategy. For instance, let’s suppose there is a businessman who owns a pizza hut. The businessman can achieve the three objectives mentioned above by offering the customers to have one personal size pizza for free upon purchase of a family size pizza. Then, when a considerable number of customers are able to make use of this deal, the businessman can upgrade the offer by offering the customers a family size pizza for free upon purchase of one family size pizza but with an addition of only five dollars. A customer loyalty program can often work wonders when maximization of profits is the goal. Such programs require the owner to provide the customers with a pre-defined discount upon shopping of a certain level. For instance, if a customer spends up to $100 at a shop, he/she can be granted a discount of 10 per cent upon the next order.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Pennsylvania Black Bear Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pennsylvania Black Bear - Research Paper Example Those with black color are prevalent in the east while the brown phases from blond to cinnamon are mainly found in the west (Shoemakera 15).An adult male bear weighs between 350 and 500 pounds while a female may have 150 to 250 pounds even though, some male bears go up to 600 pounds occasionally. Black bears rise to about three feet high when standing on all fours and from six to seven feet when upright. The sounds made by bears are distinctive ranging from growls, woofing and jaw popping. The females communicate with their cub through huffs and low grunts while the cubs whimper, chuckle and bawl. Other distinctive features of a black bear are the tracks. The footprints of the hind legs resemble those of man and the toes are five. The front foot of a bear is shorter than the rear foot which is long and narrow. The claws may at times be visible. Black bears are herbivores. They maintain movement mainly at night or early hours of the morning in search of food. They feed on a variety of things such as berries, corn, beechnuts, grass, carrion, honey and insects (Fergus 32). They fatten up before winter for hibernation at the summer and the fall periods during which they take most of the time to feed amount to a close of twenty hours a day and consuming close to 20,000 calories. During winter, they remain dormant and choose to remain in their dens which are made up of rock caverns, excavated holes and hollow trees, underneath trees, dead falls and bushy thickets. The heartbeat during hibernation slows down tremendously and the body temperature drops. At this period, bears do not feed drink or pass body fluids such as urine (Gordon 45). The most prevalent season for mating is between early June and mid- July during which bears become very aggressive to one another. In January, sows give birth mostly to a litter of five. The newly born cubs are toothless, sightless and have less hair that is inadequately distributed on
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Galatians Essay Example for Free
Galatians Essay Because I haven’t read the whole book reading Gorman â€Å"Galatians Ch9†is at first a bit confusing. However, I must say that the reading is very easy to read and easy to understand. Gorman used very simple terms and easy English for his reader to read and understand. Basically in this short chapter Gorman try to exegesis the whole book of Galatians in his own understanding and research. I’ve founded that there are lacks of evidence of resources, as in not much of references quote in this chapter, Gorman strong sources for his argument in this chapter would be the book Galatians itself, he kept referring back to Galatians and because of that the arguments seemed to be persuasive but at the same time lacks of backing up from others. Many of Gorman explanations in this epistle were unjustified, for example the dating of the letter and I quote on page187 â€Å"although no firm conclusion is possible within the range of years 49-55, the most likely date, in this writer’s estimations is 50-55, properly from Ephesus†It would be more convincing if Gorman could give us more evidence about the date and place of written. Over all the exegesis of the entire Galatians in this chapter was not that of rigorous at all. Gorman definitely give us a clear view on Paul’s message to the Galatians. Anyone who read this chapter will surely get a clear understanding of the gospel, not only to the Galatians but also for the churches today as well. Gorman ended the chapter well with the 10 questions for reflection, these 10 reflections questions are the issue that we are facing right now as a contemporary Christians, especially question 10, and I would like to end this review with the same question â€Å"In sum, what does this letter urge the church to believe, to hope for, and to do?†Second critical review is on an article by Martinus C. de Boer, titled: â€Å"Galatians A Commentary†from week 4 reading. To be honest I find this reading is a bit lengthy, especially the entire article is focus on the exegesis of only 6 verses. Having say that Martinus taking the time out to clearly explained the conflict between Paul and Cephas in Antioch over the issue of â€Å"The Truth of the Gospel†. I agreed with Martinus that this is not only important for Paul and the Christians in the 1st century but also to all of us today, we odd to understand the message of â€Å"the truth of the gospel†(2:5, 14). Because this is a commentary, it is clear evidence that the Martinus gave a wide range of evidence to his arguments. I also have to say that the exegesis in this article is precised, however, if it is to focus on the truth gospel of Christ, I feel that Martinus could have mention more of Paul other letters to back up the topic of the true gospel, instead of a very long exegesis around the confrontation of Paul and Cephas, I would have looked at Paul conversion passage to prove more of Paul conviction for his true gospel. Martinus translated Jews who is circumcised as â€Å"the circumcision party†page 133. I’m not sure if I would agree with Martinus here, because lacks of evidence in this statement made by Martinus, I’m not sure if this is a political view or is it direct translation from its original text? Over all from reading this article, apart from the fact that it is a long article, I’ve founded that it is very helpful for churches today to see the historical of Paul’s letter through Martinus book. Definitely an issue arises for the use of the Bible today in our own context, for example: Paul and Peter relationship. Can two Christians have disagreements that eventually lead them to different road? The final reading is from Charles H. Cosgrove â€Å"The Cross and The Spirit†chapter 3 The Logic of the Opposing Theology. Over all I find that this is a really hard piece to read, the precise and information was great, however, I feel that there are some stuffs that he could have leave out, and that he doesn’t have to go into details as such, for example Cosgrove goes on and talk about the Torah is for Life on page 90 and from there on, I’ve noticed that he kept going back to the Torah for his arguments throughout the rest of the chapter. Cosgrove make it clear to his readers about Paul wanting to hammer us about life in crucified Jesus. Nothing important to Paul than that we have life in Jesus. Cosgrove shared some light about the Christian Jews that are actually after Paul and not the Romans, and this is consistent with what I’ve learned in the unit and also other theologians. Later in the chapter Cosgrove also pin point the agitators and one again it’s consistent with the unit teaching and also others theologians, example Barclay who concluded in his book that Agitators were Christian Jews probably from Jerusalem. Mark D Nanos also suggested the same thing, so over all Cosgrove argument was very persuasive and clear evidence of a large selective of different sources. Finally, Cosgrove really trying hard to explain to his reader the opposing theology between Paul and everyone who are at the Galatians, this would certainly help us today as we read Galatians with a more clear picture of its context and understanding of where Paul and the others are coming from.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Essay --
Psychology has different ways of defining human behaviour using different psychological perspectives. This essay will be focussing on two different psychological perspectives which are socio-cultural and psychoanalysis. We will therefore provide an explanation for Tumi’s experiences using different sources. We will define the perspectives, discuss the proponents of the theory, basic premises and causes of behaviour, research methods used, strengths and limitation. Sociocultural perspective examines how the social environment and cultural learning influence our behaviour, thoughts and feelings (Holt, N., et al.2013, p.34). Sociocultural perspective has different approaches as Santrock (2003) stated that sociocultural approach examines how social and cultural environments impacted on behaviour and debates a full understanding of human’s behaviour that requires knowledge about cultural context which the behaviour occurs. According to Matsumoto (2001) sociocultural approach also focusses on the behaviour of people from unique ethnic and cultural groups within a culture. Psychoanalysis is the theory of personality developed by Freud that emphasizes the roles of unconscious mental processes, early childhood experiences, and the drives of sex and aggression in personality, behaviour is largely influenced by our unconscious wishes, thoughts, and desires, especially sex and aggression (Gray, 1994). As Nolen-Hoeksema et al (2009) psychoanalysis developed by Freud, unconscious, childhood experiences are controlled by inner forces. Tumi’s feeling of going crazy is being influenced by what she thinks, feels and her experiences as she had a poor relationship with her mother and sister, passing away of her aunt, her belongings being stolen, ... ...jective and extremely interpretative and he also placed an over-emphasis on sexual drive and provides us with an extremely pessimistic outlook on personality as it discounts the notion of free will. Weakness of sociocultural perspective is that to become a sangoma requires difficult training, as it is regarded as a calling which is as great honour gift and that if the person abuses the power ancestors withdraw power (Cumes, 2013:71). In conclusion both psychoanalytic and sociocultural perspective helped in giving a better understanding of Tumi’s behaviour and how we can help her to recover from the situation. I recommend that psychologists should keep on training students about these perspectives as it will enable them to gain more knowledge and be able to exercise new skills of dealing with problems and innovations in supporting the people in the communities.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Responsive and Adaptive Architecture
Responsive and Adaptive Architecture It is no secret that the universe is germinating at an amazing gait and everything is altering really fast. Modern tendencies are really rushing with each other and engineering is developing invariably conveying the mundane user new services to simplify their day-to-day modus operandi. However, the built environment can non be replaced every bit rapidly as a laptop or a phone, for illustration. Architecture is about reflecting on the universe and showing it through the urban landscape that we create. Architecture is a tool to continue historical events, periods, phases of development. But what if it is really able to maintain up with the developing universe around it and reflect it all the clip? What if merely by looking at a series of edifices you are able to see an on-going event someplace else, or the edifice alterations shape to state you to avoid traffic. Architecture is an look but what if it is able to react to current events and be enlightening, artistic or any sort of manner to reflect upon its milieus on a little or broad graduated table. It would really non merely determine the environment but besides take portion in the actions and be involved in the communicating procedure – accommodating itself to the plangency and the events. Since I am interested in the latest tendencies and technological promotions I keep path of several cyberspace beginnings which publish intelligence related to this subject. However most of them are aimed at the amusement concern and digital development, taking the degree of gambling and digital sweetenings to the following phase. I was funny if the engineering they develop for multimedia can in a manner be combined with an architectural design which would respond to its milieus. By making so the barrier between the digital infinite and the physical kingdom would be broken. The universe created by such a edifice would be adaptative and the user will be able to see its presence and its behaviour as a consequence of his personal actions. My university undertaking during the first term was a perfect chance to develop my thought. My purpose is to make a infinite ( or series of infinites ) that could drastically alter and interact with the dwellers and accommodate the environment harmonizi ng to existent clip events. Achieving this will set the user into something more than a digital simulation leting him to see a new sort of architecture, one that responds to his presence. Current undertakings involved in antiphonal architecture took me to the plants of Cantoni and Crescenti who have developed several installings which respond to real-time human activity and the presence of the people. They really create constructions, non merely digital response on a screen or floor, that alteration harmonizing to people`s motion, weight, velocity and way.Mirroris a undertaking about a brooding and really flexible sheet of metal which either expands or detracts based on the user`s distance to itself. It is these first simple stairss into altering the environment that I am looking at and how they can be implemented both in the inside and outside of a edifice and how it can be farther developed. Other undertakings include a floor which moves harmonizing to where you are, and a tilting tunnel which leans to antagonize a person`s weight therefore reacting first manus to what is traveling on around it on a mechanical degree. The 2nd sort of undertakings I am looking at is the amusement development in footings of projection function and augmented world. Both are taking to convey the users a new degree in interaction between a digital universe and the physical universe about giving us a new sort of media to bask. â€Å"Demand it. Welcome it. Let it in. The Third Era of Visual Art is gon na be great.†( Matt Pearson, â€Å" Generative Art: A Practical Guide †) . The 3rd epoch of ocular humanistic disciplines brings us the minute of now. Not something that has been created in the yesteryear to be used or viewed in the hereafter in merely one peculiar manner. The events are go oning now, and the response is existent but alternatively of being played out merely in a practical world, the user becomes portion of it in the physical universe. The development of projection function is something I would wish to look at foremost. Since Sony developed the Move, handheld gesture tracker, for their console many developers have tried to utilize it to a greater possible than merely playing games on it. What it does is it is being tracked by a camera located in the console and it besides sends informations by observing which manner it is being moved, rotated etc. However, its usage has been driven into a different way of the amusement concern. In the past projection function was merely available from a inactive place. The undertaking which enabled it to be dynamic is called â€Å"Most Insane Immersive Movie Experience Ever†. Attaching a gesture tracker to the camera, utilizing a 3D function of the country and a spot of package to command the projection itself to be adjusted to the position of the camera, has enabled to transform one room with normal furniture into a series of infinites such as a digital dimension, a citysc ape and a sea, submersing the people into an astonishing experience like non other so far. My undertaking involves making a infinite which can imitate an environment and, by projection and motion, highlight contrasting to the landscape factors. I call it The Screen. The thought comes from analyzing a forest country that is traveling to hold a new railroad system constructed through it and this intervention`s intent is to foreground the perturbation being caused during and after building. The intercession is a large screening infinite, without the restriction of being a room, so it can be synergistic and re-arrangeable. The thought is that footage from the exterior is being played in an synergistic manner on the interior by holding a 360 projection, much like a planetarium. The construction resembles a large umbrella which wraps around the viewing audiences which besides gives the semblance that the intercession is drifting. This intercession aims to stand for the bing environment on the exterior in to the viewing audiences inside, by straight demoing them what it is design ed to foreground – break in the natural landscape caused by reinforced environment. The nucleus tower will keep will keep the robotic weaponries that extend and wrap the infinite and all the projectors which are aimed at the flexible membrane used for the screen. At the terminal of the robotic weaponries there will be a grid which will keep little Pistons which will be interacting with the screen and making the physical motion which will be synchronized with the projection. All the treating units, computing machines and power will be fitted in the base of the construction. Video provender will be provided from the top of the intercession tower where a 360 bird's-eye picture provender will be captured. This intercession is the first measure to making a antiphonal environment and to planing a paradigm for a bigger more developed version to follow. All the cardinal elements listed above can be combined together to make a new type of reinforced signifier, one which will pass on with its dwellers. Future developments of this can be introduced into the amusement concern a s a new signifier of bet oning experience, where the physical environment would alter drastically ; it could be introduced into art, exhibitions ; preparation and simulation. This could potentially open the door to a new sort of reinforced environment, one that has multiple utilizations in a individual infinite and could finally go everything one wants it to be.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
‘Of Mice and Men’ †Are all the characters in this novel lonely? Essay
‘Of Mice and Men’ is set in California during the mid 1930s. Before 1930 people in California used to live together happily as families and used to lead a relatively normal life, however in 1929 the collapse of the New York stock market meant that one and a half million people became unemployed rising to three million by 1930 – this was called the ‘Wall Street Crash’. This depression made caused families to break up as many people (mainly men) to go elsewhere to find work and earn a living. Consequently there was a breakdown in American society. Steinbeck worked briefly as a ranch worker himself and most of his early books, including ‘Of Mice and Men’, were concerned with social issues of the day. Steinbeck was a realist and in his novels he presents the poor and disadvantaged sympathetically. His work made him unpopular with exploitative employers and landowners whom he held responsible for perpetuating the cycle of poverty and deprivation created by the ‘Depression’. The novel was very successful in explaining the needs of people who are lonely and maybe have no friends or family. It also looks at the need to have a friend or dream to support you through life. The different relationships and characters in the novel represent loneliness and realism with nearly every person holding a dream. The first couple we come across in this novel is George and Lennie; these two friends travel together and are very close, they have each other. Lennie is mentally handicapped and relies very much on George to make decisions for him. George however is stronger mentally and has a lot of power over Lennie although he relies on Lennie to keep him company and safe. â€Å"They had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other†, this quotation represents the power within their relationship; George is the leader and has psychological control over Lennie. Their friendship is like a father and son relationship, George dominates Lennie and sometimes teaches him a lesson â€Å"You never oughta drink water when it ain’t running, Lennie†, but is still always nice to him â€Å"Good boy†. George grows close to Lennie despite the trouble Lennie’s innocence and strength brings on them both. George is Lennies defender-protecting him from others and himself. Ironically in the first chapter George explains that he could â€Å"get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl†, he describes the stress and annoyance of having to look after Lennie. Ironically George explains he wants this but when he is forced to shoot Lennie in the final chapter he becomes lonely. George shoots Lennie when they are at their closest time yet, he describes to Lennie their dream that he loves to hear; the dream comforts Lennie like a bedtime story. This dream eventually dies with Lennie and is the biggest sacrifice George has to make – killing his own company and the person he loves most. This shows John Steinbeck’s realistic approach to this novel; people’s lives don’t always live happily ever after and many dreams don’t always become a reality, especially not in the 1930s. Candy is an old disabled â€Å"swamper†on the ranch. He lost his right hand in a farm accident and now is reduced to worst job on the ranch; a cleaner. He has lost control of his life and is devoted to his dog. His dog is his only friend and when this dog dies we see he is human with emotions, and these people are worthy of respect. When Candy’s ancient, ill dog was shot, Candy has nothing left. He delayed killing the dog, even though he knew deep down that it was the best thing, as he dreaded losing his long-time companion. Candy after having nothing in life to live for, decides to join George and Lennie in their dream, his funds would make the dream possible. Candy and his dog’s relationship is parallel to the one with George and Lennie’s; George relies on Lennie, Lennie relies on George and Candy and his dog rely on each other too. Their relationship also foreshadows George and Lennie’s – Candy regrets not shooting his dog himself, â€Å"I ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog†, this is foreshadowing the end of the novel where George knows he had to shoot Lennie. They both lost their loved ones. Curley (the boss’s son) and his wife do not get on very well; Curley only has a wife for power and for him to look successful in life. Curley’s wife is married to a man she doesn’t love and who doesn’t love her. She has very little respect of Curley â€Å"I’d like to bust him up myself†, and only marries him to get back at her mother for not letting her fulfil her dream to become a movie star which someone had promised her in the past â€Å"An’ a guy tol’ me he could put me in pitchers†¦..Says I was a natural†. As soon as the reader meets Curley’s wife they get a very bad impression of her, â€Å"†¦the rectangle of sunshine in the doorway was cut off†, this is both literal and metaphorical foreshadowing; she is cutting off the light in the door so all of the men look up to her, it is metaphorical foreshadowing giving the impression that she is trouble. This means that throughout the novel she is disliked by the reader causing her to be even lonelier. By marrying Curley she has become very isolated becoming the only woman on the ranch; she turns to outsiders for attention and tries to befriend the men by hanging round the bunkhouse. Curley’s wife is just like Lennie, Crooks and Candy as they have been left behind on a Saturday night- the rejects on the ranch. Curley’s wife has no friends and even admits to being lonely seeing that she is not really looking for Curley; she just wants to talk with someone â€Å"Think I don’t know where they all went? Even Curley. I know where they all went.†But although being forlorn she still has a lot of power over the other ranch workers being the boss’ son’s wife, we see this power when she reminds Crooks of how much authority she has over him â€Å"I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny†; she exercises her power threatening Crooks with death. Like Candy, being a social outcast, Crooks is the loneliest person on the ranch. Crooks lives in enforced solitude, away from the other men. He is bitter about being a back-busted â€Å"nigger†. He is racially discriminated against being referred to as a â€Å"nigger†; people also have no respect for him because of him being black and consequently lives in the barn by himself. He cannot get away from this prejudice as not other ranch would take him for the reason that he is black, crippled and old. Steinbeck describes his barn (the place where he lives and spends most of his time): â€Å"for being alone, Crooks could leave his things about†. Crooks is extremely lonely, all he has is books and his rights; he believes that every human being should have his rights whichever race they may be. When Lennie joins Crooks in this barn, Crooks starts to tease him, this is the only time he has power over someone and is in control. He can make Lennie afraid as he does not understand, Crooks makes Lennie feel like he does now even though Lennie has done nothing wrong â€Å"S’pose you didn’t have nobody†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦S’pose George don’t come back no more†Lennie is terrified of being alone and is helpless without George. Crooks is very twisted due to his loneliness; â€Å"Books ain’t no good. A guy needs somebody – to be near him†¦A guy goes nuts if he ain’t got nobody†, but is very pleased when Lennie and Candy join him in his barn â€Å"It was difficult for Crooks to conceal his pleasure with anger†. All through the novel Crooks has a dream of being seen as equal to everyone else. He knows his civil rights and remembers fondly his childhood, when he played with white children who came to his family’s chicken ranch. Crooks longs for a similar relationship with white people again. He dismisses the fact that George, Lennie’s and Candy’s dream will come true â€Å"I see hundreds of men come by on the road an’ on the ranches with bindles on their back an’ that same damn thing in their heads. Hundreds of them†¦nobody never gets no land. It’s just in their head.’ But when Candy explains that they’ve got the money ready and that they are very enthusiastic about achieving this dream then Crooks gets interested â€Å"If you†¦.guys would want a hand to work for nothing-just his keep, why I’d come an’ lend a hand.†A new friendship is just about to develop but Curley’s wife then enters and diverts all attention to her, putting an end to Crooks’ new friendship and dream. John Steinbeck is a realist and illustrates his views in the novel ‘Of Mice and Men’. The different character’s lifestyles and personalities in this novel represent what existence was like in the 1930s after the Wall Street Crash. Steinbeck supported social justice and equality for the working classes and so uses realism in his writing. He shows ordinary, everyday details, and makes characters speak and behave as they might do in real life. We see this particularly in how his characters are revealed through dialogue â€Å"She had full, rouged lips and wide spaced eyes, heavily made up. Her finger-nails were red. Her hair hung up in little rolled clusters, like sausages†. In his use of realism he portrays a sense of fate; whatever the characters do they are at the mercy of outside influences beyond their control, so attempts to improve their lives will fail. We see this use of realism in George and Lennie’s dream; the couple have done nothing wrong but the injustice of outside causes prevents them from holding on to this dream. Not all the characters are throughout this novel but all of them come about to be lonely at the end; George and Lennie have each other with the dream of starting a new life in a little cottage of their own, we only know till the very end that this dream can no longer take place with the loss of Lennie and therefore causing George to be lonely. Curley and his wife have each other even though not really speaking to each other much, Curely’s wife could be considered lonely as the reader never sees her with Curley but always hanging around looking to talk to someone. Candy did have his dog to rely on and to trust but when he died then he soon found himself becoming lonely and looking to others for attention and Crooks was also lonely throughout the novel being racially discriminated against by all other ranch workers; he was an outsider. Characters on the ranch in this novel are lonely and hold a dream to keep themselves calm and for something to hold onto, seeing that they have no friends they need to look to something to keep them happy and sane. Steinbeck worked on a ranch within the 1930s and must have seen how ranch workers behaved and how lonely they can feel. He has been in a position of a ranch worker and has expressed his feeling of loneliness and dream worthy within this novel, his realism has caused nearly all characters to be lonely at the end of the novel.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Knights in the Middle Ages
Knights in the Middle Ages Free Online Research Papers The lives of young boys, born of noble blood, were full of training. At age seven they were already out of their homes and being trained by a knight. By the age of thirteen, if the boy was ready to proceed with training, he could become a squire. Squires handled the knights weapons and was appointed to clean them and help the knight in any way he could. Once the Squire reached the age of fifteen, he began wearing a suit of armor to get used to the weight. When the squire turned eighteen he was finally ready to be dubbed a knight. The dark ages was a time period full of misfortune and poverty due to the fall of the Roman empire. People began to revert back to survival mode because they had lost of the progress they had made over time. However, in 900 A.D a system known as the feudal system emerged. This system guaranteed most people something in return for their work. For example, a king would grant land, a fief, to a lord and in return the lord will provide money and knights to fight for the king. Knights were a significant part of the feudal system because they were granted land and in return provided protection for all the people and military service. As well as doing that, they also watched over the serfs and peasants that were working the lords land. When appointed to do so, the knights would go out to a battle and fight for the lord or king whom they were granted the land from. They wore a exceptionally heavy armor to protect them either in battle or in a joust. A code that the knights lived off of in that time period was chivalry. It was a set of rules of what was and wasnt polite or expectable for them to do. Much like the Ten Commandments today, the code was almost common sense. Seeing that the rules said things like Thou shalt love the country in the which thou wast born or Thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word. Following those rules along with others they were much appreciated by all the people around them. Research Papers on Knights in the Middle AgesComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoWhere Wild and West MeetCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite ReligionBringing Democracy to AfricaQuebec and Canada19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceDefinition of Export QuotasOpen Architechture a white paper
Monday, November 4, 2019
Ethical Problems and Managerial Decision Making Research Paper
Ethical Problems and Managerial Decision Making - Research Paper Example Sometimes, making the right decision conflicts with the organization's goals. Conversely, resolving in favor of the organization may conflict with one's personal values. In recent years, both the Academy of Human Resource Development and the Academy of Management dedicated entire volumes of their journals to ethics and integrity (Veiga, 2004). The journals contain case studies about the ethical dilemmas professionals face and present guidelines for solutions. People in occupations without a formal set of ethical standards must rely on their own instincts, backgrounds, experience, and judgment to handle ethical dilemmas that arise in the course of their work lives. Leaders at various levels of organizations, large and small, face ethical dilemmas daily and must be prepared to make the right decisions for the organization and for themselves (Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999). There is a void in the empirical literature with respect to ethical decision-making because the literature on ethical decision-making has been based on hypothetical dilemmas instead of on actual situations. Decision Making Models When managers are faced with ethical dilemmas in their employing organizations, they are not always in control of the situation and often must consider other factors (e.g., employees, organizational risks, organizational pressure) in their decisions. Most of the ethical decision-making models have stemmed from the cognitive moral development theory of Kohlberg (1973). Two models that were introduced around the same time are those of Rest (1986) (Four-Component Model) and Trevino (1986) (Person-Situation Interactionist Model). Both Rest and Trevino expanded on the work of Kohlberg, and their models have been tested multiple times. Kohlberg, a social psychologist, was the first to expand Piaget's concept of stage development to include moral judgment. Moral judgment is a process of reflecting on one's values and choosing among them. Piaget, a Swiss biologist, was interested in how children reason. From his qualitative studies, he concluded that the ability to reason is age-related, and he identified cognitive stages ranging from infancy through adolescence. He studied moral judgment only in children under the age of 12 and held that cognition and affect develop separately, but in parallel ways, and that moral judgment is a cognitive process. Kohlberg's (1968) theory focuses on the moral reasoning process - how people decide which course of action to take when faced with an ethical dilemma. Using a research instrument that he developed, Kohlberg conducted a longitudinal study of 84 boys ages 10 to 16, following up at four-year intervals from 1956 to 1976. In the moral judgment interviews, Kohlberg presented the subjects with three dilemmas and asked the boys to tell what the resolution should be and why. The "why" is the determining factor for stage identification. People at different stages might reach the same conclusion, but Kohlberg was interested in the reasoning process. He was looking for consistency of reasoning across the issues. From his research, Kohlberg (1968) classified moral development into three levels, within which there are six stages, and concluded that there is a relationship between maturity of moral values and maturity of action in ethical dilemmas. He also concluded, like Piaget, that moral
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Nature of Human Conflicts Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
The Nature of Human Conflicts - Coursework Example People hold different beliefs about their environment, sometimes this brings about conflict if at all laws put across do not acknowledge ones interests. From this people tend to believe that laws are only made for the interest of that in power and not for the interest of the whole society (Kalinich, 2000, p. 35). Conflicts can also emanate from our genetic composition. These involves our reasoning and mental capacity. Every individual has a unique genes passed from one generation to another. The ability of ones understanding of the law depends on his brain capacity whether he is of sound mind or not (Kalinich, 2000, p. 38). There are different managerial typologies that are used to describe police administrators approach to conflict resolution one being scientific management. Here the police come up with a defined method of handling different criminal charges; in addition to that the judicial criminal system tries to come up with ways in which the police can carry out their duties without disruption to ensure efficiency (Kalinich, 2000, p. 102). The second managerial approach is process approach. These are different processes take place in a criminal justice agency to ensure resolution of conflicts. The police ensure discipline at all cost. Work is divided on line of specialization and directions are offered from authority in place. Another managerial typology focuses on human needs. It is important to notice that every individual ha s different needs. The most important ones are basic needs also known as physiological needs. These needs are well described by Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Kalinich, 2000, p.
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